sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2011

EFT-Uluitoarea metodă vindecătoare ajutătoare universală

Un comentariu:

  1. Do you want to GET RID OF ANY PAIN?
    I'm using EFT(emotional freedom tehnique) to help people to get rid of pain.
    I’m working online with people who are interested in this teqnique.
    We can work on different issues as stress,headaches,backpain and any other health problems,relations,depression,traumas,negative beliefs;
    It is a very simple and fast way TO GET RID OF YOUR PAIN,all you need to do is to tap some points on your body!
    Please contact me on rob_stewart_88@yahoo.com if you are interested!
    Here is a short description of the tehnique:
    Have a wonderful day!
